Monday 28 November 2016

My diamond poetry about camp activities.

Hi today I am just posting my camp poetry that I have done today. and in our poem we have to use verbs, noun and adjective.

Me Before camp and me after camp.

Hi today I am going to tell you who was I before camp and who am I after camp.
Before camp: Not confident, shy to try new activity's, Small friends, Scared of heights, sleeping away from home.
After camp: More confident, not shy to try activities I haven't tried before, Not scared of heights, lots of friends before, not scared sleeping away from home.
I have achieved  Bing confident because I have tried all the achieves at camp that I haven't done in my life and by involved in lots of camp actives and other staff too. I am not scared of heights any more because I went on the flying fox and since I went on it I felt safe because I had all those safety belt on me.