Monday 31 October 2016

A poem about my holiday!!!!

Hi today me and my class had to write a poem about our holiday, well my poem is about my little niece birthday and how it got all funky.

!!!Celebrating a birthday!!!
Jumping up and down like a monkey,
It was my niece Avana’s birthday,
And I dressed up really funky.
I hear kid’s screaming for Ice cream,
So I had to give them their yummy ice cream,
When they finished eating their ice cream I can see
Them nearly going to explode like a volcano.
Once my mum handed out chips for everyone,
I see all the kids Jumping in and pushing to grab their Chips.
but all they left my was a half bitten chip.
So I stood up like a angry looking zombie,
I went outside to feed my Roster Cookie all because
His name is cookie.



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