Thursday 8 June 2017

👍What I done for Thursday.👍

Hi today for Thursday me,Helen and Rosemary done a video about what a good quality blog post has and need's, when we were  finish up we had to try to edit our video so we can post it but we are not finished with our editing because we need more editing so people can comment and say what they learnt from this video and what helped them to get a good quality blog post and how .

List three thing I've learned from a good quality blog post .

1: When we are blogging we need to put down what we learnt from this article
and how we finished it.

2: When we finish blogging we have to put a good quality labels.

3: When we are blogging we need a quality tittle and a title that about our topic that we are
learning about. 

What i need to work on this tearm??

1: To always understand the topic that I am given.

2: When I am blogging I need a good quality blog post and a quality tittle.

3: when I am blogging I need a good quality label.


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